Since the foundation of the company, we have been upholding our policy “The heart of instrument is a reflection of musician`s heart” to fulfill musician`s needs as music scene has changed over a period of time.
The new world of music established on the acoustic sound which consists from accumulation of technologies can be referred as the world of Morris since we understand the both heart of instruments and musicians.
Based on fresh imagination, we are striving effortlessly for new creation as well as further development to achieve the integration of music and latest technologies.
Jan 1961: | Foundation of the company |
Mar 1967: | Start manufacturing of acoustic guitars as Yoshino Guitar in Matsumoto, Nagano |
Mar 1970: | Acquire 1,341 square meters land for factory in Matsumoto, Nagano |
Feb 1972: | Rename the brand to Morris Guitar and start mass production |
Jun 1973: | Move the factory to current location with 3,337 square meters |
Jun 1973: | Expand the factory to 8,000 square meters |
Jul 1980: | Expand the factory to 8,000 square meters |
Oct 1997: | Renew Morris brand logo and portfolio as a new start for next generation |
Jan 2001: | Lunch home page |
Apr 2001: | Organize and sponsor 1st “Finger Picking Day” contest and live show for finger picking enthusiasts |
Sep 2002: | Open logistic center within facility site |
Apr 2010: | Organize “Finger Picking Exhibition” to celebrate 10th “Finger Picking Day” with successive champions |