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モーリス・フィンガーピッキングデイ2021 地区予選開催中止のお知らせ

本年3月にモーリス・フィンガーピッキングデイ(以下 FPD)本選の主催であるモリダイラ楽器より発表されました『FPD 2020 開催中止のお知らせ』にて、「2021年度の予選に関しましては音源審査は行わず、東京(主催:イケベ楽器)・大阪(主催:三木楽器)・福岡(主催:島村楽器)での地区予選(ライブ審査)のみ開催する予定」とあり、予選開催に向け準備を進めておりましたが、未だ新型コロナウイルスの脅威が収まる見通しが立たない状況で、2021年4月に開催予定のFPD本選の開催も楽観できない状況が続いております。

モリダイラ楽器/FPD運営事務局( / 03-3862-5041)にて承ります。


Announcement of cancellation regarding preliminary regional contests for 2021 Morris Finger-Picking Day

Earlier this year in March, Moridaira Musical Instruments had announced the cancellation of 2020 FPD along with the plan to eliminate audio based audition but instead to hold regional contests based on live performance in Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka which will be organized for 2021 FPD.

However since then the situation surrounding COVID-19 has not yet come to an end, and there still remains the possibility of cancelling FPD scheduled in April 2021.

Due to this circumstance, in order to protect the safety of both contestants and audience as well as maintaining the fairness of the audition, regretfully we have decided to cancel 2021 preliminary regional contests after considerable discussion with Moridaira Musical Instruments (FPD organizer) and Regional contest organizers.

We understand this is an unpleasant news for those who have been preparing for the regional contests and also for those who have been looking forward to the event. But we appreciate your kind understanding as this action has been taken to avoid the risk of spreading the virus to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Thank you.
